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Proposal Resources


Write Winning Research Proposals

There are a wealth of proposal development and grant writing resources available for Humanities faculty at the University of Utah. Check out the information provided below. If you need additional assistance developing and submitting proposals for your research projects, please contact the COH Office of Research. We can meet with you to discuss your needs, provide personalized guidance, and connect you with available resources.

  • Grant Writing Guidance and Assistance: Refer to HUM Research Grant Writing Tips for Success as well as and the guidance and resources provided lower on this page. If needed, assistance from our college grant writer is also available to help you with developing application outlines and checklists, substantive and developmental editing of proposal text, and providing comprehensive proposal review and feedback. Reach out to our college grant writer at least 4 weeks in advance, ideally earlier during periods of high demand.
  • Support for Large-Scale Grant Application: The University’s Large Infrastructure Funding Team (LIFT) – based out of the VPR’s office – offers grant writing support for center, program, and other large-scale interdisciplinary grant opportunities. Requests for LIFT support should be submitted at least 12 weeks in advance of the sponsor’s first required deadline. Our college grant writer can also assist with large-scale grant applications; contact her as soon as you start planning your application.
  • Budgets, Forms, Compliance, Submissions: Our college grants officer can help you prepare your full application package and ensure it meets all requirements, including developing the budget, compiling required institutional documents, assembling needed supplementary materials, completing application forms, checking for compliance, securing approval signatures, setting up user accounts (including, and facilitating the online submission. Contact our college grants officer as soon as you plan to apply for something but no later than 2 weeks before the application deadline.
  • University Approvals for Applications: Be aware that certain applications must go through the U’s Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) for approval. Applications to federal agencies and those involving human studies research must be submitted through OSP. Also, if a funding agency states that individual applications are not accepted or that only non-profit organizations may apply, OSP must submit the application on your behalf. Also, multi-institution submissions must also go through OSP for approval even if our university is not the lead applicant. In all these cases, our college grants officer can serve as your interface to OSP.
  • Foundation and Donor Funding Requests: Be advised that proposals to be submitted to foundations need to be coordinated in advance with University Advancement – either our college’s Development team and/or the University’s Corporate & Foundation Relations team. They have relationships with many of those funders and can provide invaluable insights, guidance, and connections. And, in some cases, those funders only accept U-affiliated applications through special calls. Our college grant writer can connect you to the applicable internal contact.


Last Updated: 5/9/24