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Research Resources


Elevate Your Research and Scholarship

The University of Utah is a top Research 1 (R1) institution, and research at our institution spans across many areas, including important work being done in the humanities. As such, research is a fundamental part of the mission of the College of Humanities. Our College and University provide extensive resources to support faculty researchers and scholars. Please note that the information on this page is not exhaustive; let us know of any useful updates. If you need additional assistance, please contact the COH Office of Research.

  • Innovate U website highlights the University of Utah's latest research breakthroughs and discoveries, which impact communities worldwide. You can search for research topics and keywords in a prompt manner, all in one central site.
  • U Research Initiatives  webpage provides information about university Research Hubs, Working Groups, and other campus-wide initiatives supported by the VPR Office, including research action and events happening within these entities. To get involved or if you have an innovative idea for interdisciplinary collaboration, complete the Get Involved form.
  • Find a U Researcher  online researcher database contains listings of University of Utah faculty and graduate students who are subject experts in a variety of areas. (Tip: Faculty members can update their profiles via FAR.)
  • Pivot-RP Scholar Profiles  is a comprehensive global database where you can find researchers both within and outside of University of Utah with similar expertise and interests for collaboration. (Log in with your UNID credentials, then do an Advanced Search under “Profiles”.)

  • Academic Centers and Institutes  across the University of Utah cover a diverse range of study and research. Explore the full list to discover the vibrant communities, innovative work, and transformative ideas being explored at the university and to connect with others in your area of interest.
  • Digital Matters (digital humanities center)  serves as a locus for computationally enhanced humanities research at the University and provides training, support, resources, and space for faculty and students to learn and engage with digital methods and informational technology.
  • Center for Health Ethics, Arts, and Humanities (CHEETAH)  is a great resource for U faculty and students to build connections and find collaborations tied to bioethics, medical ethics, arts in health, narrative medicine, health humanities, and/or medical humanities.
  • Interdisciplinary Exchange for Utah Science (NEXUS)  brings together researchers across the U’s campus to collaborate on interdisciplinary projects concerning society's grand challenges. It is a hub for partnerships, programming, and resources for faculty and students.

  • One Utah Data Science Hub  is a university-wide effort designed to enhance research and infrastructure in data science and data-enabled science. Led by Faculty Directors from across the university, the Hub facilitates interdisciplinary research focused on data science.
  • SCI-HUM Research Initiative  connects Humanities researchers with researchers from the U’s Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI) – an internationally recognized leader in visualization, scientific computing, and image analysis. Contact John Gordon for information.
  • Wilkes Center for Climate Science & Policy  strives to provide transformative, integrative, and cutting-edge science, education, entrepreneurship, and practical solutions to tackle climate change. They offer faculty seed grants, post doc fellowships, grad and undergrad research funding and prizes.
  • The Research Post, published by the Office of the Vice President for Research, is the go-to source for the latest news, updates, and announcements about research across the University of Utah. Subscribe to their mailing list to stay up-to-date. Plus, you can submit articles.
  • U’s Research Education  (RED) offers self-paced and live online classes for research development, research mentoring, research administration, project management, data management, compliance, responsible conduct, IRB/human subjects, budget preparation and management, proposal preparation and submission, and more.
  • U Research Administration Training  helps individuals understand and implement compliance responsibilities and sponsor requirements. Research, managing the financial aspects of research, and research administration must be carried out in compliance with University of Utah policy, federal and state laws, sponsor requirements and the award terms and conditions.
  • OSP Orientation for New Investigators  (incoming and early career options) assists incoming faculty in their preparations to initiate research-related activities at the University and aims to provide early career researchers with the information they need to be successful in developing their research programs.
  • Humanities Early Career Faculty Mentoring Program provides new faculty (in their first two years in our college) with information and guidance on a variety of pertinent topics, including research resources and procedures. This program is led by the COH Associate Dean of Research and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs; contact them for more information.
  • Humanities Research Lightning Talks hosted by our college give faculty – including early career, career-line, and post-doc – an opportunity to give a 10-minute public presentation on topics connected to their research interests. Sessions are held 1-2 times per semester in the fall and spring. This program is run by the COH Associate Dean of Research; contact them for more information.
  • Research Data Management Guide, managed by the U Libraries Research Data Librarian, helps researchers manage, store, and share their research data. The resources, repositories, and tools are geared toward the humanities and social sciences. They also offer one-on-one or group sessions if you have additional questions.
  • Maintain Your University Researcher Profile  (faculty update your profile via FAR). Plus, please let our college grants officer know when you apply for any grants or fellowship, so we can document it as part of your Researcher Profile with the University.
  • Manage Your Worldwide Scholarly Profile (RED class 364). In this 2-hour online, self-paced course, you’ll learn how to use a variety of databases (i.e., Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and ORCID) and social media tools to build and maintain your online scholarly profile and protect your researcher identity.
  • Set Up Your Pivot-RP Global Scholar Profile (RED class 360). In this short online, self-paced course, you’ll learn how to claim and set up your researcher profile in the Pivot-RP comprehensive global database and how to locate/network with researchers with common research interests.
  • Becoming a Successful Principal Investigator(article) published in the Chronicle of Higher Education; written by David Stone, Director of Office of Sponsored Projects, Northern Illinois University. Discusses positioning yourself as a scholar, researcher, and grant writer.
  • How to Write a Professional Bio. Guidelines for writing a bio that can be used for a faculty profile that succinctly presents your professional identity and achievements. Tip: Be sure your bio is up-to-date and revise it regularly to reflect your latest achievements and current focus.
  • Get a Free Professional Headshot (free service). Marriott Library’s Creativity and Innovation Services offer a free headshot service on Wednesdays from 11 am to 1 pm. No appointment necessary. Simply drop in to the ProtoSpace Video Studio on Level 1 of the library.

  • Humanities Faculty Manuscript Review Program offers COH faculty the opportunity to have their first book manuscripts, which are near completion but still open to revision, reviewed by internal and external subject matter experts. This program is run by the COH Associate Dean of Research in coordination with the department chairs; contact them for more information.
  • U Scholarly Writing Collective is a "write-on-site" style accountability group. Participation involves a weekly 3-hour meeting for writers to focus on their research, with a half-hour of conversation and goal-setting to start off. It is sponsored by Rhetoric & Writing Studies, University Writing Center, and Marriott Library.
  • Taft-Nicholson Summer Fellow Residency provides intensive, dedicated time in the summer for U faculty in all disciplines to work on writing, research, creative projects, or other scholarly pursuits during a 1- to 3-week residency at the Taft-Nicholson Environmental Humanities Education Center in Montana. Participants receive up to $2,000 to cover the cost of travel, food, and supplies. Applications are usually due in late March.
  • Summer Writers’ Workshops offer time to dedicate to writing as part of a vibrant community. Two premier ones to check out are Iowa Writers’ Workshop (held for three weeks each summer at the University of Iowa; applications are usually due in January) and Middlebury Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference (held every August in scenic Vermont; applications are usually due in February). Also, check out Napa Valley Writers’ Conference and Community of Writers.
  • Getting Published Workshop (RED 357 class). This 2-hour online, self-paced course presents strategies for researchers and other academicians to publish their papers in well-regarded journals in their field. Also, check out the Predatory Journals (RED 356) online, self-paced class. Led by the U Scholarly Communication & Copyright Librarian.
  • U Author Services at the Marriott Library offer open access publishing options, personalized book and journal reading recommendations, finding the right publisher/journal/conference, understanding publishing contracts, understanding copyright, learning how to craft authorship policies for your research group, and more.
  • No-Cost Open-Access Publishing. If you are looking for a way to publish your book at no charge, the University has no-cost open-access publishing agreements with a couple of presses, through a partnership between Marriott Library and the VPRs Office. Refer to U Author Services for more information. Other open access options include self-archiving via USpace.
  • University of Utah Press publishes and disseminates scholarly books in selected fields, as well as other printed and recorded materials of significance to Utah, the region, the country, and the world. They offer helpful information for authors looking to get their book published, including answering questions about working with presses and demystifying the process of getting published.
  • Other Resources for Academic Authors. Recommended reading: (1) From Dissertation to Book by William Germano; (2) How to Write a Lot by Paul J. Silvia; (3) On Writing Well by William Zinsser; (4) Writing with Style by John Trimble; and (5) Writing Science by Joshua Schimel. Also, com has a ton of resources for academic authors.

  • Pivot-RPposts calls issued by conferences and journals from all over the world.
  • Natureposts calls for papers for its humanities and social sciences journal.
  • H-Netposts a variety of humanities-related academic announcements.
  • WikiCFPposts calls from national and international organizations.


Last Updated: 5/9/24